Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80: 3)
In many churches today is the first Sunday of Advent. This is a short season of four Sundays in preparation for Christmas.
Originally this was a time committed to reflection and repentence. The Eastern church continues a more penitential emphasis.
But in Western churches - and especially in protestant congregations - Advent has become a season of expectant celebration.
Expectation can be a treacherous emotion. To expect is derived from the Latin ex (outside of, more than) and spectare (to see). In expecting we can prepare ourselves to see more than usual.
By preparing ourselves to see - by preparing ourselves for an experience - we can more fully grasp the experience. This is especially true of something outside our ordinary experience.
But our expectations - if inaccurate - can also obscure reality. If we expect snow we may be disappointed by rain. If we are looking for drinking and dancing, we may not even notice the opportunity for a quiet walk.
Restore us, O God. Prepare us to see your face and live this life as you intend.
Above is Expectation by Frank Lejeune.
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