Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119: 104-105)
We are traveling toward a destination. We are seeking the right way.
There are precepts - piqquwd or principles - that will inform our understanding - biyn or discernment or consideration. With these principles to guide us, we are able to reject every false - sheqer or deceptive - way.
God, thank you for your principles. Please give me the discipline to observe the principles. Please give me the discernment to apply the principles wisely and well. Please give me the courage to remain on the path that fulfills your intention for me.
Above is The Journey by Bui Van Hoan, a 2002 graduate of the Hanoi Yet Kieu Fine Arts University (Vietnam). More works by Bui Van Hoan are available at PicassoMio.
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