O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem. It is he who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities. (Psalm 130: 7-8)
We hope, wait, expect. Each are verbs. Each imply our own action.
We hope for redemption. We hope to be reclaimed from our iniquities. We hope to be unbound, untied, and pulled straight. We hope to be saved from distortion and perversion. We hope to see clearly and proceed confidently.
Our hope is in that which exists now, in the past, and in the future. Our hope is in that which is ultimately real. Our hope is in God.
The character of ultimate reality is chesed: goodness, kindness, love.
Our active hope will focus on perceiving and receving this love. Through this hope we will also learn to love.
We hope, wait, expect. Each are verbs. Each imply our own action.
We hope for redemption. We hope to be reclaimed from our iniquities. We hope to be unbound, untied, and pulled straight. We hope to be saved from distortion and perversion. We hope to see clearly and proceed confidently.
Our hope is in that which exists now, in the past, and in the future. Our hope is in that which is ultimately real. Our hope is in God.
The character of ultimate reality is chesed: goodness, kindness, love.
Our active hope will focus on perceiving and receving this love. Through this hope we will also learn to love.
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