O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. (Psalm 63: 1)
Tradition says that David wrote this psalm while hiding in the wilderness of Judah. It was in this same wilderness that John the Baptist prophesied. It was to here that Jesus came after his baptism and was tempted by Satan.
I am inclined to take water for granted. In my life water has always been plentiful, clean, and basically free. Water is essential to my survival. It cleanses, cools, and serves me in many ways, most of which I barely notice. Many others on this planet are not so fortunate.
The analogy is, perhaps, too easy. But do I treat God any better than I treat water? With the next long bath or tall glass or steady rain will I give thanks? Will I recognize and take responsibility for a relationship on which my life depends?
Like David I am more likely to notice water when there is drought. When I have taken myself far from the sources of water, then I will notice its absense. When I am in desperate need of what I have taken for granted, then I am mindful of it.
Dear God, make me mindful in both prosperity and poverty. Help me to see how your grace is all about me, sustaining me, and calling to me. May I drink of your waters with thanksgiving and praise.
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