I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure. For you do not give me up to Sheol, or let your faithful one see the Pit. You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures for evermore. (Psalm 16: 7-11)
I depend on God. I love, ignore, need, neglect, and cherish God. I know that my best path is to walk with God. But I sometimes take different paths.
Might these other paths also be part of God's intention? I do not mean that I am foreordained or manipulated. I am confident of free will.
But the rocky ways, dead ends, and becoming lost in the thorns have certainly shaped my relationship with God as well.
My greatest failures - so far - have not been when I knew I had chosen a different path. I have caused the most harm when I was sure of doing God's will - but was really just being willful.
Apart from God I encounter a deep need. It is a need that expresses itself in a variety of wonderful and terrible ways.
In this profound need I have found my limitations and better understood God's lack of limitations. When I am with God I sometimes lose my sense of being separate. I am swept up into God. I feel whole, complete, fulfilled. But without a true humility, this experience is dangerous, even misleading. This is why I so much value, "lead us not into temptation."
Without humility I am tempted to think that my understanding is God's understanding, that my judgment is God's judgment, that my will is God's will.
Because I have left the path and experienced the absence of God I am sure that God's understanding is entirely beyond my understanding, God's judgment is loving, caring, intricate, and exquisite in ways far beyond my ability. From off the path I have learned that my will is full of need, while God's will is constantly giving and creating.
Separated from God I have also come to understand that, despite my limitations, I have a part to play in fulfilling God's will. It is often a small part - but it can be crucial. The lessons I have learned off-the-path and away from God are often helpful in playing this role.
God has shown me the path of life. God has protected my exploring off the path. God has always welcomed me back to the path. Thanks be to God.
I depend on God. I love, ignore, need, neglect, and cherish God. I know that my best path is to walk with God. But I sometimes take different paths.
Might these other paths also be part of God's intention? I do not mean that I am foreordained or manipulated. I am confident of free will.
But the rocky ways, dead ends, and becoming lost in the thorns have certainly shaped my relationship with God as well.
My greatest failures - so far - have not been when I knew I had chosen a different path. I have caused the most harm when I was sure of doing God's will - but was really just being willful.
Apart from God I encounter a deep need. It is a need that expresses itself in a variety of wonderful and terrible ways.
In this profound need I have found my limitations and better understood God's lack of limitations. When I am with God I sometimes lose my sense of being separate. I am swept up into God. I feel whole, complete, fulfilled. But without a true humility, this experience is dangerous, even misleading. This is why I so much value, "lead us not into temptation."
Without humility I am tempted to think that my understanding is God's understanding, that my judgment is God's judgment, that my will is God's will.
Because I have left the path and experienced the absence of God I am sure that God's understanding is entirely beyond my understanding, God's judgment is loving, caring, intricate, and exquisite in ways far beyond my ability. From off the path I have learned that my will is full of need, while God's will is constantly giving and creating.
Separated from God I have also come to understand that, despite my limitations, I have a part to play in fulfilling God's will. It is often a small part - but it can be crucial. The lessons I have learned off-the-path and away from God are often helpful in playing this role.
God has shown me the path of life. God has protected my exploring off the path. God has always welcomed me back to the path. Thanks be to God.
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