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Each morning I spend 30 minutes, more or less, researching and writing on a passage of scripture. This is principally a form of spiritual self-discipline. But comments and questions are welcome.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him. (Psalm 67: 6-7)

We have been blessed. Do we realize it?

To be blessed - barak - is to be caused to kneel. This is not a forced prostration before the powerful. Rather, it is a spontaneous response in awe.

There can be a sense of trembling and of fear, but to be blessed is mostly to recognize our proximity to something fabulous, wonderful, extraordinary.

Each day we are surrounded by profound blessings: the beauty of the earth, waters, and sky; the mysterious dance of our relationships with one another; and in so many other ways.

Do we notice? Do we engage with this wider reality? Do we accept the blessing that God is continually giving?

Above is a photograph of lightning by Alan Moller of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency.


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