The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love; teach me your statutes. You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word. Teach me good judgement and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments. (Psalm 119: 63-66)
I want to know the rules for living. Even more I want to understand God's intention for those rules. I ask for good judgement and knowledge in order to fully and properly engage the rules and God's intention.
The Bible begins with rules and over the course of centuries gives increasing attention to the principles behind the rules. The principles were always explicit, but it is almost as if God discovered that humanity - when given a choice - prefers rules to the exclusion of principles. When given the chance we will ignore the principles behind the rules and apply the rules in accordance with our own preferences.
At the Last Supper Jesus said to his disciples, "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you." Just before his death as a culmination of his ministry Jesus emphasized the rule has no benefit separated from its principle. The final rule and the ultimate principle is to love.
Above is Understanding Life by Javier Lopez Barbosa
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