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Each morning I spend 30 minutes, more or less, researching and writing on a passage of scripture. This is principally a form of spiritual self-discipline. But comments and questions are welcome.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Save me, O Lord, from my enemies; I have fled to you for refuge. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path. For your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life. In your righteousness bring me out of trouble. In your steadfast love cut off my enemies, and destroy all my adversaries, for I am your servant. (Psalm 143: 9-12)

The psalmist is threatened by enemies (ayab) and adversaries (tsarar). The translator has, in my opinion, softened the language. The final verse might be understood to say "annihilate my enemies, and exterminate all my adversaries." The verbs are violent in the extreme.

The psalm is not explicit, but we assume these are external threats.

I cannot call any other person an enemy. I am not aware of anyone who actively seeks to harm me. There are others who frustrate me. They are inconsistent, fail to keep their promises, are negligent, and misleading. They complicate my life and from time-to-time present a real threat.

But there is no one who has purposefully "crushed my life to the ground."

My greatest adversaries are internal. Fear, doubt, selfishness, anger and their cousins are my enemies. These enemies are beyond my strength. To be freed from these threats I must depend on God. Only God's love can cut off the influence of these evil powers.


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