Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve me against the wrath of my enemies; you stretch out your hand, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures for ever. (Psalm 138: 7-8)
There are several Hebrew words that can mean hand and most simply mean hand. But the Hebrew here is yad. This is hand as an instrument of power, strength, productivity, and creativity.
The psalmist emphasizes that not only is God's hand extended to us, but it is the right hand or yamiyn. This is the feminine form: gentle, nurturing, and caring. This hand does not cast lightening bolts, but sooths and comforts.
I especially like the phrase, "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me." But the original Hebrew is Yehovah gamar ba'ad. This can also be translated as "the Lord will carry through to the end." Does this suggest being with us whether or not we make the choices leading to fulfillment?
Above is Cosmic Hand by Douglas Blair.
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